
Is there a Mac/Linux version of product X? Are you developing one?

All our products are currently available for Windows only. Our company policy is to not communicate on products or versions in development. We recommend subscribing to our newsletter to be among the first to know when a new version or product is released.

What version of Windows is product X compatible with?

All our products work with Windows versions 7 to 11.

Do your program work on MacOS with a virtual machine?

Many clients have reported successfully using our products with Parallels and VMWare Fusion.

Do you offer special prices for students and teachers?

Yes, we offer a special 50% off discount for both students and teachers. We can also provide special pedagogical assets for teachers who want to include GameSynth in their curriculum. Please check our education page for more details.

How do I contact support?

For the best way to contact support, please refer to the Support section of your product’s manual. You can also use our contact form. This is a two-step process, so please make sure that you actually confirm your message!
Support is currently available in 3 languages: English, French and Japanese. You will receive a reply in less than 24 hours. If your email is sent during our working hours (JST), the average response time is less than one hour.

Is my personal data safe?

When they start, our products will perform a few tests on your machine for compatibility checks and license validation, but none of your personal information is ever accessed or sent back.

What is your refund policy?

Refund is processed by Digital River, which operates our online store. Since our products can be used as sound banks, and therefore quickly used to generate many sounds, it is not possible to refund any product that has already be launched and for which the license has been validated.

Is product X a VST/AAX/… plug-in?

All our products are currently standalone tools, although some may get a plug-in version in the future or new products may be published as plug-ins.

Can product X host VST plug-ins?

At this time, only AudioBot can host VST plug-ins.

Can I read your end-user license agreement before purchasing?

You can find the end-user license agreement for GameSynth here.
You can check the one for Alto Studio here.
The tools from the DSP Series all share a similar end-user license agreement. You can find the one for DSP Action here.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns, or if your company’s policy requires a change.

Does product X use a dongle?

Our products do not use dongles.

Where can I buy product X?

Outside of Japan, our products are only available via our online store. This store is managed by a third party, Digital River.
Once the payment processed, you will receive an email with a download link and a license key.

What types of payments do you accept?

It depends on your country. However, payment by credit cards, PayPal, check, and wire transfer are usually available.

I paid by wire transfer but I haven’t received my license yet. Is it normal?

Yes, wire transfer can take a couple of days as the money is transferred between banks in different countries, sometimes with intermediaries.

How many times can I install product X?

The standard license for all our software is for a single user. It allows you to install a product on 2 machines (e.g., a laptop and a desktop), as long as the two versions are not running simultaneously. If you need to install a product on a third machine, for example after changing computer, please contact us.
For the details, please refer to the end-user license agreement.
If you are a company with multi-licenses or site licenses, please contact your IT administrator if you have any doubts.

When will product X be released?

It is our company policy to not communicate release dates in advance.

My Digital River download link has expired? How can I (re)install my software?

Digital River download links are only valid for a couple of months after purchase (as indicated in the sale confirmation email). Simply contact us directly while including your purchase number. We will send you a new download link.


Is GameSynth only for interactive sounds? Can I use it for linear sound?

GameSynth is first and foremost a sound design tool. You can use it to create any type of sounds and render them as audio files that can be imported in any other tools. In addition, many features created for interactive media can also be useful for linear media, such as the automatic creation of sound variations.

Is there a trial version?

There is currently no trial version, although we plan on making one in the future.

How can I learn more about GameSynth before purchasing?

The best place to learn about GameSynth is our blog, which contains more than 80 tutorials about the features of GameSynth and procedural sound design with the tool. We also have a series of introductory videos in preparation. Of course, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about GameSynth’s features, workflow etc…

Why does nothing happen when exporting to my game engine / audio middleware / sound tool?

This may happen if the tool you are trying to export to has been updated and its file format has changed since the latest GameSynth update. We update the export features regularly to keep up with the latest tools. If you can’t wait, contact us and we may be able to provide you with a more recent export function.

Why does nothing happen when importing animation curves?

Basically, it is the same situation as above. We regularly update the animation curve importers, but the file format of your tool may just have changed.

Do you offer multi-license / site licenses for companies?

Yes, we do offer multi-licenses and site or multi-site licenses at a discount. Contact us and we will tell you what is the best solution for your needs, and how much you can save!

How to get the GameSynth run-time, what is the license price?

The GameSynth run-time is not publicly available yet. If you are a company and you have a use for it, please contact us as we build versions for specific projects as part of our R&D services.

Do I need an Internet connection to use GameSynth?

Yes. The license validation as well as some very useful features such as the Patch Repository and the Help Center require to be connected.

What is the recommended configuration to use GameSynth?

There is no specific requirements for memory (it is relatively light). For the hard drive, please see the next question.  We highly recommend a 1920x1080 display. We recommend a i7 or higher processor for complex patching, although most patches should work on a i5.
For the OS, any version from Windows 7 to 11. An internet connection is needed for the help center, access to the online sound models repository and so on.

How much space does GameSynth require on disk?

GameSynth itself will use less than 200 MB on disk (half of that if you don’t use the 32-bit version).
If you download all the patches from the patch repository, an extra 500 MB will be used (it will grow a bit as new patches are added). However, you can ask GameSynth to move the patch repository to another disk in the Settings window.

Can GameSynth do everything the DSP tools does?

There are differences between GameSynth and the DSP Tools. Here are the main ones:
- GameSynth offers a lot more features, but is a bit more complex to use.
- The DSP Series does not offer the possibility to use your own samples, GameSynth does.
- The drawing feature (in DSP Action and DSP Motion) is different from the drawing feature in GameSynth (in the way the curve is drawn and how it is processed to control the sound.)

What graphic tablet is recommended to use with GameSynth?

Any graphic tablet that works on Windows should work in GameSynth. It is better to use a tablet that sends pressure information but most tablets do it nowadays. We recommend Wacom tablets, as they have very good quality and accuracy and we are using them to develop GameSynth.

GameSynth tells me libraries are missing (from version 2022) or hangs in the splash screen (previous versions), what should I do?

This may happen, especially if you installed GameSynth on a new machine. Please install the following redistributables from Microsoft:

Can I use samples in GameSynth?

Yes, samples can be used both as sound sources or to create control signals (after analyzing them).
The Particles model of GameSynth is a granular synthesizer that will let you draw with your samples. The VoiceFX model can process samples through a collection of effect racks and is well suited to create vocal effects.
The patching environment of the Modular model provides several generators that will take samples as input: the Sample Player, the Granular Player, and the Wavetable. It is also possible to use a sample for the sound source in the Whoosh model or for the impact noise in the Impact model.
In addition, features of a sample (amplitude, pitch, noisiness, events…)  can be analyzed to provide control curves and logic triggers.

Where are the presets I created saved?

The presets you create in the patch information panel are saved in your AppData folder. If you want to backup them, copy the files located in:
C:/Users/YOUR NAME/AppData/Local/tsugi/GameSynth/Patches/User

There are so many features in GameSynth! What are the best resources to start with?

In addition to the general documentation, there are several specific manuals: for the Modular, VoiceFX, and Engines models. They can be accessed directly from within the tool via the Help Center.
The “Introduction to modular patching”, in particular, contains first steps tutorials, a collection of patching techniques, and an exhaustive module reference.
The Modular model itself includes an internal documentation accessible from any module. The Periodic Table of Modules is a great way to get an overview of all modules with a short description and a video example.
Finally, the GameSynth blog, which contains dozens of patching tutorials and feature overviews. All these resources are available both in English and in Japanese.

Can I use the sounds I generate with GameSynth in commercial projects?

Basically, you can use the sounds generated by GameSynth in any creative project, commercial or free: game, music, movie, animation, installation, piece etc... For the details, please refer to the end-user license agreement.

Can I sell the sounds I generate with GameSynth as part of a sound library or as assets in an asset store?

Yes. The library or package documentation must state that some or all of the sounds have been generated by the GameSynth.
However, it is not possible to sell sound effects generated from the GameSynth patches that are provided by Tsugi as presets or are available in the GameSynth online repository. These patches are the intellectual property of the sound designers who created them. You can only sell sounds generated by patches that you created yourself. For the details, please refer to the end-user license agreement.

Should I wait for MovieSynth if I work with video?

MovieSynth is still in development. GameSynth and MovieSynth will be complementary. The former focuses on the sound design and the creation of patches, while the latter will help you match the sounds generated by these patches to the picture effortlessly.

DSP Series

Are the DSP tools plug-ins for GameSynth?

No, they are standalone products and do not require GameSynth.

Can GameSynth do everything the DSP tools does?

Please check this answer in the GameSynth section.

What is the difference between DSP Action and DSP Motion?

There are two main differences between DSP Motion and DSP Action. First, DSP Motion generates evolving sounds while DSP Action focuses on sharper, high-impact sounds. Then, the control is a bit different with DSP Motion mostly relying on curve movements, while DSP Action also uses generative graphics to trigger sound events.

Can I use my samples to draw in DSP Motion or DSP Action?

DSP Motion and DSP Action both use synthesis to generate their sounds and do not allow for the import of samples. Thanks to the many synthesis and control parameters they offer, and the infinity of curves that can be drawn, a large number and variety of sounds can be generated.
However, if you want to draw with your own sounds, we recommend checking GameSynth, and especially its Particles, Whoosh, and VoiceFX models.

Can I use the sounds I generate with a DSP tool in a commercial project?

The wave files generated by the DSP tools can be used for free in all creative projects such as games, animations and movies, even commercial ones.

Can I resell the sounds I generate with a tool from the DSP Series?

The sounds generated by the tools from the DSP Series cannot be included in any free or commercial sound libraries, sample collections, or asset store packages (e.g., sounds sold or given for free on the Unity Asset Store).

I am using a graphic tablet with DSP Motion / DSP Action and it does not work well.

If you are experiencing a strange behavior when drawing with a graphic tablet (for example a delay at the start of the curve), disable the use of Windows Ink in your tablet settings.
For more details, please refer to the Support section of the software’s manual.

What is the recommended configuration?

DSP Anime and DSP Retro are very lightweight. The other tools of the series are more demanding. For them we recommend at least a i5 processor.

I am experiencing crackling or stuttering when using a DSP tool. What should I do?

Try to render the sounds on disk. If there is still stuttering, check the audio on your machine (connections, drivers…).   If there is no problem when rendering on disk, then it is probably an issue with the CPU load being too high. In this case, try setting the sample rate to 44100 Hz instead of 48000 Hz in the settings Window, and make sure that no intensive tasks or applications are running in the background while you are using the tool.

Do I need an Internet connection to use the DSP Tools?

Not for DSP Anime and DSP Retro. The other tools require an Internet connection for license validation.

Sometimes when drawing I get an overflow error in DSP Motion. What should I do?

Please update to version 1.2 of DSP Motion as this rare issue has already been fixed.

Alto Studio

The Speech Synthesizer tool in Alto Studio cannot start, what should I do?

Version 11 for the Microsoft Speech Platform’s runtime must be installed. You can download an installer here:
Then, compatible voices must be installed:

Is Alto Studio able to calculate the loudness for very short sentences such as interjections?

As of April 2022, Alto Studio does not calculate the loudness of such files as their duration is too short for the standard AES-EBU algorithm to be used.
However, the next update of Alto Studio will include a proprietary algorithm allowing for the estimation of loudness even in such extreme cases.

Is it possible to integrate Alto Studio with my tools or my build pipeline?

Yes. Alto Studio offers a plug-in system, with which a developer can build importer, exporter, and tool plug-ins.
In addition a command line version of Alto Studio provides commands to integrate Alto Studio with your build pipeline.

Do I need to create an Alto Project to use all the tools?

No, tools such as the Batch Renamer or the Speech Synthesizer can either work with files referenced in an Alto project, or files directly added from the File Explorer.

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