Tsugi at GameSoundCon

Tsugi is proud to be a Gold sponsor of GameSoundCon 2019, which will be held on the 29th and 30th of October at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. This 11th edition of the conference offers tracks for all game audio enthusiasts, ranging from “Game Audio Essentials” to “Game Audio Pro”, all the way to “Game Audio Research”. Tracks specific to “Audio for Virtual Reality” and “Dialogue and Performance” are sure to be very popular, as well as the hands-on sessions proposed by Audiokinetic and Magic Leap. Check the full conference schedule to find out what you can learn!

Procedural Audio Session

Nicolas Fournel, CEO of Tsugi, will be introducing procedural audio in a session on the 29th as part of the “Game Audio Pro” track. In this session, he will address the pros and cons of procedural audio and explain how to build sound models. He will also describe how procedural audio can be used in your project, either at the sound design stage or at run-time, to improve workflow and increase audio interactivity. Learn more about Nicolas’ session here: “Using Procedural Audio in your Project”.


Let’s try GameSynth!

Please also visit our booth on the exhibition floor where we will be demonstrating GameSynth 2019.2, the latest version of our revolutionary procedural audio middleware and sound design tool! Come try its new procedural audio models, design expressive sound effects by drawing on its sketchpad, or dive deep into its visual patching environment!

Update: GameSoundCon was awesome!


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