Use DSP Anime at the GGJ18!

The Global Game Jam is almost upon us!

Reserve the last week-end of January (from the 26th to the 28th)! Find a location close to you (or start your own game jam site), join a team and create an awesome game in a limited time, having a lot of fun and learning cool development tricks along the way!

And guess what? That game will need some roaring sound effects! So, here are 5 reasons why DSP Anime is ideally suited to create audio during a Game Jam:




A very visual interface and intuitive workflow (select a category, a type of sound, and edit the parameters) help you create sound effects in a couple of clicks: an undeniable advantage in the fast-paced environment of the game jam!



The categories of sounds that can be generated cover a wide range of game sound effects: magic, fight, events, emotions, moves, pets, locations, elements, impacts…


3.Sound Synthesizer

DSP Anime uses procedural audio to generate the sounds, allowing you to create many variations automatically to fight repetitiveness. Perfect for games!



The generated sounds can be saved in the Wave, Aiff, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and Flac formats, ensuring that you will be able to play them, whatever engine your team is using.


5.Export to Middleware

DSP Anime exports towards audio middleware (ADX2, FMOD Studio, Wwise) and game middleware (Unity, GameMaker), going as far as to automatically generate scripts to play the sounds in C# or JavaScript.

Oh, one last thing: not only is DSP Anime very affordable, but you can also use the sounds you created in any of your games for free, even if your game jam project becomes a commercial hit (please send us a postcard from your very own tropical island when that happens)!

You can learn more about DSP Anime here.
For more information on the Global Game Jam, check the official page at: